On August 15th, Michael and Libby were married in the little town of Merry Oaks, NC.
Merry Oaks seems like just a sweet name of a highway sign to passers-by. But just off the freeway, tucked around a corner is a wonderful funky old bed and breakfast that called to Libby and Michael for their wedding. I couldn't even find its contact information on Google, so if you want to know how to reach it, contact me and I'll ask Michael and Libby.


And there would be room for their dachsund, Lulu to be a part of the festivities.

They have one of those amazing stories that speak of fate lending a hand. They had met briefly long ago but had moved to different cities. Then later in Detroit, they lived in the same apartment building, but Michael moved in just as Libby was moving out. Then Michael started getting Libby's mail and they ran into each other at a drug store when both of them were dating other people.
Finally getting the message the universe seemed to be telling them, they began seeing each other, which led, after three years to their wedding day, August 15th.

Michael and Libby had moved down from Detroit not too long ago and have a close set of friends and family.
They had a special part in their ceremony which spoke to this closeness.
"Dear Friends and Family, Without you, we aren't possible. You raised us, befriended us, brought us together physically, mentally, and spiritually, fought with us for freedom and justice in a world often lacking both. And today you have given us the great gift of being present at our marriage. In all this, all of you prepared us for this day, with unity with each other today, before you, before each other, before God and before creation. Thank you!
Our sons and daughters grow older, become independent, fall in love and marry. But marriage is not the end of their previous relationships to family and friends. Rather it's a process which requires constant care and attention. In this process Michael and Libby will need the help, support, love, and care of all of you who have been so important in their relationship so far.
Do all of you gathered here today, who have nurtured Michael and Libby so long, bestow your blessings on their union? If so, answer, 'We do!'"
This is a group shot of everyone who said, 'We do!' There were no dissenters.

Friends came from Seattle, New York, New Orleans, and Detroit to be with them.

I hope all their life will be sweet with these memories of their wedding day.
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