The word 'spiritual' has a much broader definition than it did even twenty years ago. Then, the word spiritual was linked only to religious expression. Today that's not the case.

One writer I love defines our spirit as the 'non-negotiable core of aliveness that lies at the heart of who we are.' Our spirit is the vital animating part of us that sparks our loves, passions, and enthusiasms ('en theos' deriving from the Greek meaning 'with God.')
I encourage couples to express their enthusiasm, their spirit in their ceremony. I encourage them to put language to that part of who they are, to think of what's most important to each one of them, and to explore why these values touch them so deeply. This is what connects us to each other and to the larger life, the life beyond the self. Not only is it wonderful to express in a couple's wedding ceremony, but it provides wonderful opportunities for them to explore with each other these aspects of their lives.
We often love the passion for life that we find in our partner - it enhances and expands our world and through it we grow larger in experience and spirit. This is a lot to celebrate.
This picture is of the Jurra Region of Switzerland, from which the word Jurrasic came. It was taken by a Swiss friend.
Our spirituality can show up in ways that we don't attribute to this sense of the larger life. Here are a few examples from my life. My daughter is a supervisor in a department that ensures that welfare recipients get fair treatment. She's a wonderful supervisor and she sees her work as a calling to serve those who are less fortunate. This is a connection of the heart and spirit.
My ex-husband, a good and loving man, used to experience his spirituality in umpiring softball games. Not the usual expression, but he brought his love of the game and the best of who he was to ensure fairness. On the ball field his world had purpose and made sense, and he could offer that with grace and clarity to others.
This picture is of the Goosenecks of the San Juan River in Utah.
I find this picture inspiring. My life hasn't been a straight line and these beautiful twists and turns affirm that my life, in its convolutions, has held beauty and strength that I don't often acknowledge. I bet this is true with your life, too.
What delights and inspires you?
What calls to your heart?
What parts of this amazing whole of Life want to live through you?
Sometimes all we need is a walk in the woods to bring us in touch with our spirits. Sometimes even a Youtube video can help our hearts expand to find the spaciousness within us that reminds us how good it is to be alive and connected to the mystery and wonder of all of life and Love.
Yesterday Ruben sent me this Youtube video called 'Suppose the Earth Got Saturn's Rings'. Enjoy it. It's not long. You've got time.
And this next Youtube is about as expansive as it gets. It's called 'A Small Glimpse of The Universe.' We are each only one person on a small planet in a small galaxy. But we are graced with the miracle of loving. For this we can only be grateful. And appreciation is the heart of the spirit.
And the heart of a good marriage!
Blessings to you!
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