Tim and Cheri wanted to get married at home. And home was their new 'old' farmstead north of Mebane. The way they described it I pictured someplace that really needed work. They said they'd been working on it but it needed so much more ... and that the out buildings were in the shape they were when they bought it. I pictured someplace really rough, kind of like their sign below, but nothing could be farther from the truth. The house had the solid Craftsman construction feel to it that needed a sampler that said 'Home Sweet Home' over the fireplace. It also had a newly renovated kitchen which they did themselves!

They are family people, with two sons in their teens. Johnathan and Owen, and daughter 24, Cassie and her husband Ben, and nieces Nadine, Kate and Emily as their flower girls. Parents and siblings were there as much as possible, and Cheri's sister Julie, even sang the processional and recessional acapella with a sweet true voice that shimmered. Tim and Cheri offered their vows to each other from their heart without any written copy to rely on. They had thought them out and then spoke from their heart. I love it when couples give themselves permission to do this, and it's brave. I don't know if I could. I'd be nervous and that nervousness would make me uncomfortable. There is so much you want to say. You can't say it all. I respect the choice that each couple makes to decide what's best for them about saying their vows to each other.
Cheri and Tim also said vows to their children, again off the top of their head. We introduced those vows with these words: "It is the desire of Tim and Cheri to extend their commitments to each other to include their sons and promises they make to them. The gathering of this new family will have a deep influence upon them.It will both complicate and enrich their lives. They will also have much to contribute to this new family. We realize that in order for the home to be a happy one, it’s essential that our sons know our commitment to them and to this family.We offer those words of promise, as powerful as a marriage bond, now to them."

After getting the license witnessed by each of their fathers, Art and James, I left them all in a tent on their lawn as the food came out and the partying began. I could tell that Cheri and Tim had a group of warm and loving friends and family. It was a delight to see.
I was glad to feel this solid and loving family all around me and glad they have each other.
What a blessing! I can't think of anything more to wish them ... except maybe no more leaks in the AC.
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