Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Eric and Alicia Are a Delight to Marry at The Hill Courtyard of The Carolina Inn

 It was so much fun marrying Eric and Alicia this May.  They are warm, funny, relaxed people who have friends to love them a lot and families who are gracious and kind.  What more is there to ask?  They also had wonderful Sally Oakley as their Wedding Planner and Punam Bean taking marvelous photos.

I so appreciate Alicia and Eric remembering to send me these wonderful photos that bring back their wedding to me so vividly.  

The Hill Courtyard of The Carolina Inn can be a little bit noisy if it's a busy traffic day.  But Alicia and Eric's wedding wasn't troubled by that at all.  No town buses and no Harley Convention.  Yay!  Their wedding was just rich in love.  They both went to UNC and by request you can see that I'm wearing my Carolina Blue stole.  Always a treat for me who went to UNC-G for my Ph.D. program.

In the opening I said words that seemed to fit them especially well:  'Alicia and Eric, each of you brings gifts to the other today: Gifts of hope and laughter, focus and seriousness of purpose, sensitivity and recognition of the beautiful and the profound. But these gifts are not to be yours alone. A strong and resilient marriage is not an escape from the world but a contribution to it. Eric and Alicia, may you now combine and strengthen your gifts, to be offered as a distinct and beautiful gift to the world. For the world is in need of the beautiful, the good and the holy and nothing is better suited to evoke that than a good marriage between two people as in love as you are.'

Eric and Alicia wrote their own vows that I printed in my book so that they didn't have to worry about bringing a piece of paper into the ceremony. I also printed them 14 point type and phrase by phrase so that they could look down, read a phrase and then look up and speak it to the other.  They hadn't seem the other's vows before the ceremony so it was a special delight to see how both vows were not only loving but descriptive of who they are and their love for each other - so funny, and warm, and tender.
 These are the words I used when I spoke of the symbolism of their rings:  'These rings are your gifts to each other to remind you always, and those that gaze upon their beauty, that you have pledged your love and commitment in marriage to each other. And when you have been together for a long, long time, you will look at these rings, and you will feel the indentation they have made on your fingers, and you will know that these rings contain all the memories of what your lives and your relationship have been. May they always serve to remind you of how great your love is for one another.'  

I loved these words we created to honor their parents.  Eric's father was his Best Man, so you can see him in the picture above.  'You both value the kind of love your parents have – where after decades you are still together with your best friend, you are still holding hands in the supermarket, still laughing until you cry.  Still growing, cherishing time with family and friends, laughing and loving together.'

Alicia and Eric got engaged in New Orleans and they love the jazzy sound of New Orleans style music.  So the celebratory sounds of a New Orleans Style jazz brass band led the recessional, while Alicia contributed to the festivities holding a feather trimmed umbrella as they walked down the aisle.  It was a very classy moment and set the tone of much joy that last through the whole evening and is still lasting for them now.  

They were sweet in their thanks saying, 'Thanks so much again for all that you did for us - it really was the best ceremony we could have ever dreamed up, thanks to you!'  But we know it was really them, and we were all basking in their love.  I wish them many many happy years and much much loving.

Ever wonderful Tre Bella Florist created their flowers, and every delicious Ashley Cakes provided their cake.  Their guitarist, Dave Aduddell played 'Falling in love at a coffee shop' by Landon Pigg for their processional.

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